Subject to change—updates may be made through class announcements or GMU e-mail.
All assignments, homework, and projects are due at the beginning of class. Come to class well prepared.

Week 1
1. Syllabus review/expectations
2. Project 1 Introduction
3. Assignment 1 Overview

1. Project 1 Quotation and photographic images
2. Work on Assignment 1
3. Open a Pinterest account
4. Create "Project 1" and "Assignments" Pinterest boards and upload your materials.
5. Purchase textbook, sketch book, pencils/markers

1/231. Lecture/exercise
2. Assignment 2 Overview
Down load the Worksheets (2)
3. Submit your Pinterest account link.
4. Check Project 1 ideas

A. Reading: Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, pages 1-85.

Week 2
1. Assignment 1 due (upload on Pinterest before class)
2. Project 1. Quotation, initial Ideas, photos due.
3. Project 1 sketches review

1/301. Assignment 2 (2 worksheets) review
2. Project 1 sketches (5 for each required plate, minimum 20 total) due. Bring to class and upload to "Project 1" board.
3. Project 1 research (3 for each required plate, minimum of 12 good design examples with comments) due. Upload to "Project 1" board.

Week 3
1. Assignment 2 (2 worksheets upload on Pinterest) due
2. Project 1. Revised sketches and 1st run of comps due
3. Assignment 3 Overview

A. Reading: Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, pages 1-85 Due.

2/61. Project 1 Comps (2x4=8) due. You must print out your design in real size before class. Upload to Pinterest
2. Project 2 introduction

Week 4
1. Project 1. Revised Comps due
2.Project 2. Bring a print out copy of the poem you will work on
3. Research on the poet due

B. Reading: Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, pages 86-127 Due.

2/131. Project 1 due (Mounted final + Process Board + final report)
2. Project 2. Research on book cover deign due (minimum of twenty with your comments)
2. Project 2. Initial ideas

Week 5
1. Project 2. Competitive Analysis + Sketches (minimum of fifteen) due
2. Assignment 3 due (upload on Pinterest)

C. Reading: Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, pages 128-185 Due

2/201. Project 2. Initial Imagery review (Try a least four different ways to create the cover images)
2. Project 2 Design Brief due

Week 6
1. Project 2. Six comps review (at least 3 different concepts)

D. Reading: Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, pages 186-231 Due

2/271. Project 2. Revised comps due & critique. Bring your print out to class

Week 7
1. Project 2. Final refinement
2. Project 3 Introduction

E. Reading: Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual, pages 232-310 Due

3/51. Project 2 due (Mounted final + Process Board)
2. Project 3. Research on infographic poster design due (a minimum of 12)
3. Project 3. Topic and initial ideas

week 8
Spring breakSpring break
Week 9
1. Project 3. Design Brief due
Project 3 research and data gathering on the topic due
2. Project 3. Competitive Audit/Study due
3. Project 3. Sketches progress review

3/191. Project 3. Revised content/data (including the introduction of your poster) and Sketches (5 with detailed information data) due
2. Work on Comps

Week 10
1. Project 3. Comps review
2. Project 4 Introduction

3/261. Project 3. Comps review
2. Project 4. Mind Map, Research (info. gathering on your business), Business Choice due

Last Day of Selective Withdraw: March 30.
Week 11
1. Project 3 Revised Comps due and bring your print out (in real size) to class for critique
2. Project 4. Client Brief (including a summary of your competitive study) due

4/21. Project 3 final review of revised design (prints is preferred)
2. Project 4. Research on logo mark and logo type design due (at least 20)

Week 12
1. Project 3 due (Mounted final + Process Board)
2. Project 4. Type Study and Logo Sketches (at least 20) due

4/92. Project 4. Logo design comps initial review
3. Research on stationery design due (at least 10)

Week 13
PART 2: Logo Design
1. Step One - 6 unique designs (6 marks/icons and 6 logotypes/wordmark) Due
2. Step Two - Combine the best mark with the best logotype
3. Research on brochure design due (at least 10)

4/16PART 2: Logo Design
1. Step Three - Logo with Tagline, Logo small, Logo b/w Due
2. Copy for brochure Due

PART 3: Supporting Materials
1. Step One - Stationery Design (letterhead/business card/envelope) Due
2. Research on additional piece due (at least 5)

Week 14
1. Step Two -Brochure Design Due
2. Revised Stationery Comps Due

4/231. Step Three - Additional piece Due
2. Revised Brochure Comps Due (print it out)
Week 15
Studio time
1. All Revised Comps Due
4/30 Last day of class1. Project 4 due (Mounted final + Process Board)
2. Files of all your projects (four projects and one assignment) in both pdf and jpg formats Due

Last Day of Class